Chatbot Usage Forecast

- By 2025, the global chatbot market is forecast to exceed $19 billion according to ReportLinker.

- Over 56% of consumers now prefer chatbots for quick inquiries according to Simpler Media. Adoption continues to grow.

- The top chatbot use cases are customer service (62%), sales & marketing (55%), product recommendations (31%) per Chatbots Magazine.

- HubSpot reports 71% of businesses say chatbots improve customer experience and 65% say they save time for employees.

- Right Now research found the average chatbot is able to resolve 70-80% of routine customer inquiries with no human involvement.

- Juniper Research forecasts over $13 billion in cost savings from chatbots and virtual assistants by 2023.

- Retail, banking, healthcare and travel continue to lead business adoption according to Salesforce's latest State of Service report.

- Chatbots and virtual assistants are becoming a must-have digital interface that customers expect to find on websites.

- The data shows chatbots going mainstream over the past few years with retailers and service-based businesses still leading adoption. Cost savings and customer experience remain key drivers.


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